Return Policy



At Sasa Sparkles, we offer return for defective or the wrong item, we do not offer exchanges.

Please email within 7 days of receiving your item(s) with your full name and order number, and state the reason for the return. Products returned by you because of a defect or dispatch error will be refunded in full, including a refund of the delivery charges for sending the item to you and the cost incurred by you in returning the item to us. We will examine the returned Product and will notify you of your refund via e-mail within 14 days. We will refund the same way originally received from you when you to pay for your purchase.


Where you are returning items to us for refunds, you are responsible for the return of the goods. Packaging must be suitable to preserve the items and prevent damage. Where returned items fail to reach Sasa Sparkles, refunds will only be considered where there is a Proof of Posting issued by your post office.


Please return the order in brand new condition in its original packaging to the address provided within 7 days of your purchase. Include a note with name, order number, order date.  Please note all items being returned must be within the timeframe of the returns policy, unworn, labels attached and in the original packaging to be eligible for refund.

Sasa Sparkles by Little Art Co.
1F, No.313
Section 1, Dunhua S. Road
Daan District, Taipei,
Taiwan 106


If you need help with unique/special circumstances, please feel free to contact us and we will take care of you!

Thank you for shopping at Sasa Sparkles!




  • 依照台灣消費者保護法規定,消費者享有商品到貨7天鑑賞期(包含例假日)之權益,七日鑑賞期並非『試用期』,所以,您所退回的商品必須是全新的狀態、而且完整包裝。若商品如經拆封、使用、以致缺乏完整性即失去再販售價值時,恕無法退貨。

  • 取消訂單:(※尚未出貨的訂單才能取消。)請於訂單通訊內留言告知,將會依序為您做取消訂單。 

  • 請務必於7日鑑賞期內來電與我們聯繫退貨事宜。提醒您,申請退貨時,請務必將您所訂購之完整商品、配件、及包裝盒置入原外包裝內,再與發票一同寄回公司以利後續退貨作業。

  • 若您是以信用卡付款,我們將於收到退回商品的7個工作天內,為您完成款項刷退程序,請您留意下期帳單。

  • 由於收單銀行與銀行間的作業處理需7~14天,也因個人信用卡的結帳週期不同,可能影響退刷款項完成時間(負項可能會落在下期的帳單上),建議您可詢問信用卡發卡銀行的客服人員為您說明。

  • 若您是以ATM轉帳方式付款,我們將於收到退回商品的7個工作天內,將退款匯至您指定的銀行帳戶中。

  • 若退貨後之總消費金額未達免運門檻時,將會酌收該訂單之運費。

  • 隨機出貨的謝卡將不接受更換。

  • 其他國家恕不享有台灣七天鑑賞期服務。只提供商品寄錯之換貨服務,再請訂購時留意。

  • 本網站保有訂單出貨與否之權利。

  • 在確認交易條件無誤且有庫存後,商品將於您付款完成後約2-5個工作天內送達您指定的地址。

  • 若遇有商品延貨、缺貨、斷貨、標價錯誤、收貨地點無法送達等情形,Little Art 厘頭當代藝術工作室將保留出貨與否的權利。



    厘頭當代藝術工作室 - SASA SPARKLES 